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01-06-2024 08:41
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 61
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

the new sim is retarded

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ok, i agree that somethings need to change, but why can't u leave the good stuff that was improved from the previous SIMs??? After 2 seasons it's always a god damned rollercoaster, and the stuff we've been working to improve in our teams just goes down the drain... Wing play is awesome and it was one of the best things you brought in this SIM but from what i've seen so far wing play in the new SIM is just rubish... every two seasons the game changes completely and what's the point in making changes if you don't take what´s best made from the previous one? Just don't spank wing play nomore ffs...
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Re: the new sim is retarded

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it would be far better if you just try to improve what's wrong in older SIMs instead of a total reset after 2 seasons... this is exausting...

Odg: the new sim is retarded

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i agree...i tryed to play with wings results are a disaster...

Re: the new sim is retarded

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A total disaster indeed, wing play deserves some love too. And also i never saw in real life a header having more power and speed than a shot. I mean this is getting to a point that the SIM looks like everything but football. Pinball, hockey, and a big bad joke mixed all together, that's what this new SIM looks like.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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Someday you might as well call it ManagerZone Soccer like the americans 'cuz this is no football, this is an excuse of football...

Odg: the new sim is retarded

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I could agree, i think it is an american version of football more like hockey...hire beckham to do a sim please :D
Now serious game in all is great.
Things that we all would like to improve is more reality and that all three passing options and mentality works. i think it would be easy. Lets for example imagine team A has exelent pasing lets say in averege 8 balls and plays tight and exploits only the midle, why wouldnt an averege team B that closes midle and plays deep(tackling 9 and good crossing) and then in atack plays to free wings which are not defended by team A win easily?
Make wingbacks to work, make all tactics work and then let the better team wins.
That way all would have to study tactics and how to adapt and all would have to find weaknesses of other and hide theirs. Nowdays you just play throw wings and all that want to win should play like is stupid( and how i see from all post new sim demands short play).
GAME would improve and the interest too.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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When i was a kid back in the old D.O.S. days, with my 286 with 16Mb of ram and a graphics cards with 16 colors. I was about 11, 12 years old. I actually was able to build a footbal SIM with QBasic in a couple of days. What does a kid do that grown ups don't? geeezzz....

Odg: the new sim is retarded

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we are the same age then...but i was poor then i played with marbles ;)

Re: the new sim is retarded

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I can agree on this. Just lost against a team that I normally beat with 5 or 6 goals. Had to see what it was all about. My nr 7 spent the entire game passing the opponents. Not every once in a while but every pass, and also to the exact same player. Every set piece that wasn't a shot on goal, was a pass to the opponent team (this went both ways).

Something seems to be wrong with the passing algorithms.
If admin reads and want to watch.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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First match in our friendly league, my opponent has the double amount of chances as my team AND my team plays with one man less due to an early red card, and still I win.
Furthermore, players with a really low number of balls in heading, head very hard en very effective even from long distances. So far, I don't like it.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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_(Por aspher Terça 12:44)
So far, I don't like it.

ME too... And the worst part is that the previous SIM was running good and stable, i've seen both wing play and middle tactics working good with the previous SIM and now u'll just have to deal with lots of unhappy users again, keep going like this every 2 months and someday there's no player that enjoys this game... I've been playing for 1 year but i'm considering 'cuz i'm getting tired of these stupid changes for the worst you insist in patching... God damn hockey&pinball... excuse of football...

Re: the new sim is retarded

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2 seasons*

Re: the new sim is retarded

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make a pinball manager... ffs... u can't even listen to ppl that give ur lazy asses money

Re: the new sim is retarded

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I know nothing about sims etc, but why carnt they use the same sim as used in football manager 2011. This game is crazy, the defence just stands still at either end of the area, while the attacking team keep scoring goals lol...There so many times when my players have an open goal, then they pass back to the other team lol.. and this game was at 1500pm. Think i go back to

Re: the new sim is retarded

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The team i played this morning beat me 1-0 in an even game, same players , same team this afternoon lost 9-0. This rugby not football, and the 90% of shots are hit way above the goals, the tactics dont seam to work much either. This game may become playable in a few years time.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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It is simple. Patrick and his crew are making changes in the SIM just in order to justify their jobs, for them, it doesn't matter if the new one SIM is worst than the actual. I can't believe it, they don't have any respect for the MZ useres & members. Day by day this game is worst, if you don't believe this, just see the reduction of active members

Re: the new sim is retarded

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unbelievable, how many times can a player totally miss his team mate with a simple pass ??
3 team mates on their own and my player picks out an opposition player meters away ???

Re: the new sim is retarded

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jhndos, do you have your tactic set to wings? I've notices some odd passing behavior when using wing play. Had to switch it completely for this season. Had a player with 7 in passing who only passed the opponent team the entire game.

Odg: the new sim is retarded

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all three pasing options work you just need the right players on right places...dont talk nonsense...this sim has other issues...i am playing with all three options during the same game mixing them dependant of the score and i am having succes with similar teams or slightly above my team!
Dont tell me that if a player with 9 AP crossing it to someone with 9 head and let say 8 BC, that it will be a miss...

Re: the new sim is retarded

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I disagree :)

I am a supporter of Short Passing play, so I love it.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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my problem with this sim (one of the many) is that my 'genius' striker will see the keeper moving towards one side of the goal and will shoot the ball towards the keeper rather than the open area of the goal, it doesnt end there the keeper then rotates around the ball and and walla you have a goal.
Amazing what people call a sim these days!

Re: the new sim is retarded

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One-on-one is a joke in this sim.

Re: the new sim is retarded

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90% of all shots by both teams are kicked well over the goal into the top stand. the speed of the game is too fast. Forwards from both teams have an open goal, what happens next, they pass back to the other team, Unless you can get same quality as football manager 2011, would be better to go back to text, but text with good quality like trophy manager.Also a game of football lasts 90 mins.

Odg: the new sim is retarded

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yeah and one season last for a hole year...:D

Re: the new sim is retarded

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hey at least i got to give them credit recent news i read when they said this sim will last 3 or 4 seasons... i think they are starting to understand us players, when we say we need a new sim, we don't need a new patch...

Re: the new sim is retarded

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new sims sucks. is this managerzone all about??? im saddened!

Re: the new sim is retarded

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Totally agree djstick
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