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01-06-2024 10:23
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Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Kind of not really surprising given the level of performances for them all season, but also kind of shocking given the timing of it all. Hopefully whoever they bring in can have the same sort of immediate impact MoN did when he first arrived.

But thats the question. Who is coming in? The club claim to be making an announcement during the next couple of days, so the implication is they already have someone lined up, but who?

I cant think of any out of work managers who arent in the same sort of Steve Bruce, MoN kind of mould and some of the names available are down right scary. Mark Hughes? Steve Keen? Paulo di Canio? horrifying to think any of them are the plan really. Gus Poyet keeps being rumoured to be looking to step up, so maybe him, ro maybe we are planning on poaching someone from another club, Moyes is nearly out of contract, as is Rafa (ugh). I dont know, but as long as they can motivate us to get wins over Stoke, Villa and Southampton, i wouldnt care if they gave the job to Titus Bramble, player/manager extraordinaire. ;)
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Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Rafa! Rafa! Rafa!

If you get Rafa, you'll probably get Torres.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Bramble scores more regularly than torres, as proven yesterday. Just glad we not going to get Brendan Rodgers, so Joe Allen can continue his Liverpool dynasty. :p

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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How about Alan Curbishley. Worked wonders at Charlton and wasn't doing to badly at West Ham until they sacked him.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Outside bets: Paolo Di Canio and Steve McClaren...

This is the classic 3-option situation:
(1) The "safe-but-minimal-ambition" option.
This sees the appointment of a Curbishley, a Mick McCarthy, Owen Coyle, etc. This is where Steve McClaren goes.
(2) The "get-the-higher-grade-and-back-financially" option.
This is where they try to get someone quality but who'll insist on decent financial backing to try to push the club on. Most likely this'll be a global name who's lost their way a little.
(3) The "gamble" option.
This is where Di Canio goes. Gus Poyet likewise, and long-shot Luis Enrique. Managers with talent but unproven at highest level. Will they thrive or will they fail miserably? Ah, this is why it's a gamble.

Also, have to express sadness about MoN's fate. Personally regard him as one of the finest coaches/motivators of the modern age... He worked wonders with Wycombe, Leicester and Celtic. Aged 53-54 he should've gone on to a comfortable top job in any big European league, and surely wouldn't have been begrudged a future chance to succeed Ferguson at Man Utd. Instead he took a difficult job at Villa, stagnated for 4 years, left under a bit of a cloud, then did the same thing with Sunderland. Sad.

In many ways, if you basically said Sunderland had a managerial vacancy and that Martin O'Neill was available, if I was a Sunderland fan I'd be chuffed to bits to see him appointed :p

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Wouldn't be surprised if Appleton gets mentioned the way the manager roundabout is nowadays

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Alan Hansen and Alan Shearer.They are always spouting about how teams should defend and attack.Now's the time to prove it :)

Di Canio will get the job.So expect Di Canio to blame the black players,when they lose..

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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kingjaime wrote:

In many ways, if you basically said Sunderland had a managerial vacancy and that Martin O'Neill was available, if I was a Sunderland fan I'd be chuffed to bits to see him appointed :p

I am and i was. Ive been touting him as Steve Bruce's replacement since before we had Steve Bruce!! Was absolutely stoked when we finally got him, and with his early results it felt like we might actually be going somewhere, but by the end of last season, you cold see the performances had just dropped off from the players and they were looking lazy. "its ok" we thought "understandable i guesss, just wait until next season and we will be kicking on then", but sadly any likeness of that early success just hasnt returned. The players have looked disinterested all seasons, and its not about just getting results, its about being proud of your team, and tbh its been hard to proud of them under MoN for quite a while now. Id be interested to see how many points we would have if you removed the ones we had gained against 10 men, when you should reasonably expect 3 points from a team of top grade footballers, but when you are hamoe to Norwich and they get their keeper sent off in the first half an hour, and you still dont look like scoring, then you have to start asking some serious questions of whats going wrong.

I think Ellis Short has done the right thing, but am worried about who is coming in as there doesnt seem to be a wealth of available talent, and the prospect of a Mark Hughes, Steve Kean or anything resembling them fills me with dread. Short has always seemed like he wants to go forward, so lets hope he does. Di Canio might not be such a bad thing, i mean even Roy Keane did well for a while so that might be enough to ensure we stay up and get our slice of $$$ pie that could bankroll either Di Canio or someone better (moyes).

windows780 wrote:
Alan Hansen and Alan Shearer.They are always spouting about how teams should defend and attack.Now's the time to prove it :)

Di Canio will get the job.So expect Di Canio to blame the black players,when they lose..

There would never be a more hostile appointment than the day Alan Shearer was named Sunderland manager a week before the Newcastle derby!

Also LOL@ the di canio remark. But to be fair we do have Titus Bramle, so itl be hard to know if hes being a racist or a realist. ;)

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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hamoe = at home (but written at 5am)

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Well our questions have been answered already. No messing around, and from the list of potential managers, i think we have probably the best of the bunch. I have already the arm thrown up in the air about a self proclaimed fascist managing a premier league club, and i will assume we will be hated as a club by ignorant anti-fascist fascists, but wth. Hopefully he can inject the passion in to the players, but whatever happens its certainly going to be interesting. :)

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Very pleased, guaranteed to be an interesting ride. Especially compared to the mundane plodding that would've surely ensued if Curbishley, Coyle, Hughes or suchlike had been appointed. Not fussed in the slightest about his politics.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Sunderland may have just ensured their relegation with that one.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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I cant see how people can say sunderland are going to be worse off. they mustn't see us week in week out.

as a sunderland fan I do0 and I can tell you we play the worst football in the league. a team should set out to play to its strengths, whereas martin oneill set out to cover his weaknesses and hope to avoid defeat. the players had no confidence, he didn't bother turning up for training several times, spent decent money on some poor signings, brought in mangane an d hasn't even had a minute on the pitch........

any change would be a good one, and if you need your players playing to their best levels, hes the guy to make them do it, or he will simply get rid. will be a refreshing change to see someone in charge who goes for it, wears his heart on his sleeve and rallies the players!!!!!!!!

martin oneill tried and failed, but we gave it a go......

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Couldnt have put it much better myself. Any football fan would be wanting a change if their team played as Sunderland have done week in and week out.

I think our performance against Norwich pretty much summed it up, and would be my guess as when the decision was made, as we never even looked like beating 10 men with a reserve keeper playing, and that needs change somewhere.
Ellis short saw the writing on the wall and acted in the only way he could, he cant replace players at this time of the season, but he can bring in someone to kick the players hes got squarely in the arse. We have players capable of far better, hopefully Di Canio can make that happen by injecting a bit of passion and pride into them for the final few weeks.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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I hope people stay sensible about the politics, just because that idiot Miliband resigned a bit earlier than he might've been due to, it seems like Di Canio's had to spend his first day defending himself.

Must say also I particularly keen to see the reception and atmosphere when Sunderland next play West Ham.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Official statement from Sunderland AFC.

Sunderland AFC and Head Coach Paolo Di Canio have issued the following statement in response to comments made by certain sections of the media and other individuals since his appointment was announced yesterday.

Paolo spoke passionately and honestly regarding the inaccurate portrayal of his beliefs and values from some quarters. He said: “Something can happen many years ago but what counts is the facts. My life speaks for me. Of course it hurts me because people try to take your dignity and that is not fair.

“I believe in my pillars and I have values. What offends me more than anything is not because they touch me; they touch what my parents gave to me; the values they gave to me. This is not acceptable.

“What I can say is that if someone is hurt, I am sorry. But this didn’t come from me, it came from a big story that people put out in a different way to what it was.

“I never have a problem in my past. I expressed an opinion in an interview many years ago. Some pieces were taken for media convenience. They took my expression in a very, very negative way – but it was a long conversation and a long interview. It was not fair. I know it is a part of my job to do interviews because I am well-known, but sometimes it suits their purpose to put big headlines and a big story.

“I don’t have a problem with anyone. I haven’t had a problem in the past and I don’t know why I have to keep repeating my story, to be defending myself on something that doesn’t belong to me every time I change clubs. Talk about racism? That is absolutely stupid, stupid and ridiculous. The people who know me can change that idea quickly. When I was in England my best friends were Trevor Sinclair and Chris Powell, the Charlton manager – they can tell you everything about my character.

“I don’t want to talk about politics because it’s not my area. We are not in the Houses of Parliament, we are in a football club. I want to talk about sport. I want to talk about football, my players, the Board and the fans. My first priority is my family and my daughters, that’s obvious, and secondly to have the responsibility for thousands of people. This is my priority and I want to be focused on this aspect. I don’t want to talk any more about politics – I am not a politics person.”

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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This is not dying down, cant wait until the he gets his first win up, and people start to talk about the football instead.
The amount of people who think he should even have the job due to his political beliefs amaze me with their ignorance. Suppression of ideologies and beliefs adverse to your own is in fact, fascism.
To use a famous quote, "The ironing is delicious"

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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I remember coming out of a ground being besieged by anti-racism campaigners lecturing us about the disgusting racist footballers who should be locked up. Strangely they quieted down a bit when people pointed out that Bowyer and Woodgate played for the other team and they might want to give the Leeds fans the benefit of their wisdom.

Good to see that the level of ignorance from the anti- lobby hasn't changed and they aren't at all hypocrites having made such a big issue of it when PDC was at Swindon.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Have any of you lot been to Italy? Actually there was a fuss about it all when he joined Swindon, just no one took any notice, because Swindon were in the bottom league.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Have you even been to Swindon? There was no fuss there at all; only praise of his appointment and his conduct during his time at the club.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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This has all got me concerned, given the odds, that there might be other managers in the country whose private political leaning is *not* centre-left :/

Will perhaps someone emerge who could perform a noble "Joe McCarthy" style investigation? David Dein maybe?

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Thought for a minute you were suggesting an investigation of Mick McCarthy - I can imagine him having sympathies with the Socialist Workers Party.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Mick McCarthy could give enthrallingly dry co-commentary over whatever hearings need to take place, come to think of it.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Yes I have been to Swindon Zappa, and if you read a paper you would know that the GMB withdrew their sponsorship of Swindon due to his stated views that he is a facist.

It was in The Times, again, today, as it has been all week.

The thing is, because it was "just Swindon" at the time, the mainstream press did not bother with the story.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Also if you go to some parts of Italy you will see a fair bit of pro facist support, on walls and so on. I am not saying it correct, but it is there. He was tough on the Mafia, have Italy national pride etc, in the views of many Italian's.

Di Canio sharing some views with Mussolini is not surprising therefore, the reality is that most people writing in the press, and on these types of boards have no real context to put his views in to understand.. or have done more than read a brief headline and not looked into the facts.

That's it basically, he is probably a nice guy, clearly nuts, crazy appointment, holds a view dodgy views maybe..

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Im sure there are plenty of players, managers, owners etc etc who have dodgy views on a while range of subjects and would certainly not wish to be persecuted to the level Di Canio has been so far. I think Sunderland could have done slightly better if they had revealed him a day or 2 before a game, whereas the press and ignoramus' of the world have had an entire week to be able to fill their pages and heads with bullshit.

Like you say, very few people would have gone to the effort to put his words into context, to actually read the entire interview, his book or whatever other source they are dredging anything up from and just react from reading a headline.

Im still not 100% on if he is the guy to take us forward, but then again i havent really had much of a chance to think about that, as nobody seems to have mentioned the words Di Canio and football in the same sentence this week. Im hoping he lights a fire under our players and we come out swinging against Chelsea, and more importantly against Newcastle. This way they will have football related things to talk about, and hopefully itl all be about how he turned things around and saved Sunderland single handedly. :)

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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that is what the papers have resorted to.......... its ridiculous now like

that's the problem with football today, the media over do everything. more like bloody eastenders than premier football these days. all the uncovered stories, exclusives etc its a load of shit.........

look at hiadara and the wigan player. the press spent a week calling for his head, and the lad came out with a bruised knee. did they apologise? no cos theyre above that

oh and as for the sun newspaper, how they dare to even try and take the moral highground on anything after the things they have done in the past (millie dowler phone, hillsbrough cover up) is beyond me

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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The thing is the media always have a personal agenda behind it. Di Canio at Swindon, it was Swindon so only people local to Swindon gave two hoots. Personally I doubt he is a racist or a facist as we know it, if that makes sense. I do think it is a risky appointment mind you. Also he did get investigated at Swindon for suspected racist comments, but was cleared.

The Sun and The Mail cannot take any high ground as you soon.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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jamie1976 wrote:
if you read a paper...

I'd say that this is just about the worst thing I could do and may explain your slanted view of the world. Put down the paper and look at what's really going on, not just sit there in your armchair and believe what someone tells you might be going on.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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personally as said before a manager can have his own political views, the club shouldn't be interested in politics to be fair.

im not saying his views are correct, but say next week a member of the BNP is allowed to manage a club. why cant he then take the role? as in this country we do provide freedom of speech and the right to vote. so if his political party is allowed to stand, and he follows such party, legally, in the UK then why couldn't said person get a management job at a football team.

everyone has their own opinion, and they are entitled to it right or wrong. to try and take an opportunity away from somebody because they have a view different from your own when it comes to politics is ridiculous in my opinion

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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So who's next?......

Paulo Di Canio
Paulo Di Canio
Paulo Di Canio

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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If there weren't issues like this then TalkSPORT wouldn't exist...can you imagine that? Nothing for those chatters to spend all day every day debating.

Let the man do his job, its strange how the media gets hold of something and won't let it go. Wouldn't be opposed to seeing Sunderland go down. As is often the case, "it would do them good" to flush away the dead weight and come back up in a season or two.

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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Blackburn fans may disagree. Di Canio really had the boys fired up for the game against the toon, and it was nice to see them using their natural gifts and skills which seem to have been suppressed in the recent past. If we can get results against stoke and villa then we will be safe no doubt, and then it will be interesting to see who Di Canio starts looking at bringing in.

Tbh i thnk Stoke are looking the most likely to go down, depending on how sidetracked wigan get with their cup final, it seems about typical that wigan would go down the second they get a taste of success. The EPl tends to be cruel like that. :)

Re: Sunderland Sack Martin O Neill - So who next?

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I think he will only bring in hard working players grinner, which I cant wait to see. its amazing just how far you can get in football on a team working well together and pushing themselves every game. you don't have to have the best players, but if you work hard you can achieve things in football

bring on everton, can we break our awful record (19games 14defeats 5draws 0wins) against them? why not now if ever.......
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